Truck shop Codelco
For it’s new mine, Rajo Inca, located in Copiapó in the North of Chile, Codelco needed a truck shop for 2 trucks. These huge trucks are used for prestripping activities and are 9m wide and 7m high. The truck shop has to protect the trucks and maintenance personnel against the weather during maintenance.
Codelco chose an aluminium fabric structure over a traditional steel building because of the faster realisation and the cheaper cost. They chose to work with Veldeman because of the favorable price/quality ratio and the good experience with previous projects. Veldeman designed a custom made fabric structure in accordance with Chilean building standards, complying with Chilean seismic loads and wind loads. The structure has a side height of 12m, a ridge height of 17m, is 30m long and 23m wide. The roof is partly equipped with translucent roof fabrics to take advantage of natural daylight. Veldeman provided a turnkey solution with 2 huge electrically operated hangar doors of 12m wide and 9m high, 3 pedestrian doors – 2 of which connect to container offices inside the structure, a sliding door of 5m by 5m for services, and modular flooring. Furthermore, a crane with a capacity of 35 tons was installed inside the structure to be used during maintenance.