Do you require modular storage tents? Discover 8 advantages

Thinking about refurbishing? Or are you struggling with a temporary lack of storage space because of a peak in activities? Veldeman’s modular storage tents offer 8 advantages to immediately tackle your lack of space. We have listed these below.

1. Speed is of essence

You might not have the time to wait for new buildings to resolve your immediate storage capacity shortfall. In optimal conditions, we can erect a thousand square metres in a day. Would you like a solution that can be operational within a short period of time? If so, our modular storage tents are a perfect solution!

2. Flexible solution

It is sometimes difficult to predict the required capacity in advance. Perhaps after a certain period of time you would like to increase or reduce the size of the storage tent? We would be happy to propose a flexible solution that can be adjusted to the level of your activities. Because of its demountable nature, we can quickly disassemble the storage tent if you no longer need it.

3. Large volume with a free span

We have a large stock of modular storage tents, with variable lengths, widths and heights. Our structures range up to 50 metres in width. The sidewalls can measure up to 5.5 metres in height And the length is unlimited. The structures have a saddle roof, allowing you to stack goods even higher in the centre of the tent. Because of our free spans, you have a large volume without posts getting in the way.

4. At any location

You can construct our storage space at any location you wish, including on your own company premises. In addition, you have the option to connect the temporary storage tent to an existing building. We will take care of the customisation. If you opt for modular storage tents, you will make savings in terms of transport and handling costs. And if the tents are required at a different location, we can very easily relocate them.

5. Rental or purchase, always an inexpensive solution

Buying or renting a modular storage tent is considerably cheaper than a permanent building. If you decide to rent, you will pay a monthly rental fee and you will retain your investment capacity for other matters. Furthermore, our rental periods are very flexible. If you need the space for longer than initially planned, we can easily extend the rental period. If you need the space for a relatively long period, purchasing might be the cheapest option for you. Our staff are more than happy to calculate the most economical choice on your behalf.

6. Windproof and waterproof

Our modular storage tents are both windproof and waterproof; your products can therefore be stored safely. Should your products have to be stored at a certain temperature, we will make sure you have the required interior climate.

7. Natural light

Our storage areas are not dark and chilly, quite the opposite in fact. Not only do the translucent roof fabrics allow you to enjoy the outdoor light, but also cost savings on your energy bill.

8. No or only limited foundations

Did you know that no or only limited foundations are required for our modular storage tents? This will save you a lot of time and money. A win-win situation!

A single point of contact

Do you require modular storage tents? Enjoy a single point of contact at Veldeman for the duration of your entire project.  We are pleased to help you further! Contact us through our website, or on telephone number +32 (0)89 47 31 31, or by email to

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