Covering temporary ice rink: skate your way through winter

Winter event organisers find the weather a key challenge. But, Veldeman’s baseline, challenge our limits solves that! How about if we could lease you a good weather solution? The solution: cover your temporary ice rink.

Take the weather out of the equation

By installing a temporary construction over your ice rink, you are ready to take on a number of challenges, straightaway.  And that comes into effect even before the ice rink is used. Positioning your cover in front of the ice rink enables you to continue working on the rink undisturbed.

Moreover, a cover renders your ice rink a user-friendly, energy-efficient facility as it isn’t exposed to the elements. And, needless to say, by covering your temporary ice rink your visitors can enjoy it day after day: come rain or shine!

A cover against winter conditions

Our covers can take a knock or two and meet stringent safety criteria. For extra certitude, we ask the structure’s roof is kept clear of snow. We are on hand to help with this:

– We advise you in advance of any potential risks and all the safety regulations.

– We proactively track the weather forecast and update you if inclement weather looks likely. Should you so wish, we can send someone along to look at the cover and undertake preventative monitoring.

– In addition, for those with tents in long-term operation use, we also carry out interim checks as and when we deem necessary.

Are you interested in covering your temporary ice rink?

We specialise in covering temporary ice rinks and boast an extensive capacity. Rest assured, we will be able to help you further. Would you like more information about our services, or do you have a query? Please do get in touch, we’ve got you covered!

Why choose Veldeman to supply a cover for your temporary ice rink?

We offer more than the traditional aluminium hall, and have an extensive range of tent and roof designs for you. Round, oval tents, or a curved roof? Divergent side wall heights? It’s all possible. Do you want the ice rink to be the showpiece of your event? Our unique tents are the perfect solution. Take, for example, our TFS structure that also comes in a fully transparent version. Unbeatable impressiveness.

Questions for a Veldeman advisor

Our professionals think along with you and are happy to shape your plans.